Intent flow
Deposited assets
Last updated
Deposited assets
Last updated
Initial state: user has an account with FT1 token deposited; user wants to swap 1 FT1 to FT2
FE sends an RFQ to solver bus
router receives the RFQ request and starts to search for the most optimal path for such swap by sending RFQ requests to “trader” solvers.
“Trader” solvers reply with signed messages “I’m ok to swap X of token A to Y of token B” (along with nonce, deadline, etc…)
As soon as the path FT1 -> FT2 has been found, router sends a response to the user with the final price: “Are you ok to swap 1 FT1 -> 2 FT2”?
user signs “I’m ok to swap 1 FT1 to 2 FT2” and replies back to router
router aggregates all these signed messages into a transaction and sends it to Verifier Contract
Verifier Contract verifies all signed state changes and commits them on-chain.
Note: Intent flow for some assets may be enhanced to reduce solver risks and improve the price for the user (to be developed later).